Friday, April 17, 2009

My Dog is an ENFP

Indeed, I am a Myers Briggs junkie. After being certified, I found it not only a useful tool when working with client groups but it also helped me in my personal relationships. My "ENTJ" is nicely complimented by my spouse's "INTP" and vice versa. Our intellectual bantering is not something we take personally but rather enjoy - now that we know how intuitive thinkers think. It is the "judging/perceiving" that we most need from each other. I have a master list of my lists where my spouse is not encumbered by the need to check things off a list. On the other hand, the openness to all possibilities is disciplined when it is important to reach closure. Of course there is so much more to understanding and appreciating the uniqueness of personality and preferences. There are other tools that are advantageous for individuals and teams to use. But I still like the MBTI as a foundational tool to understanding why we interact the way we do.

As for my dog...the fun loving golden retriever that he is, I am convinced is an ENFP - if you can type a dog. It is fun to watch him flit from bush to bush, to be "in the moment" or in the "second" as it were, and forget what his original objective was...oh yes, the ball....the squirrel...or was it the stick, the scent on the wind...or the sound of my car turning the corner before pulling into my driveway. With all lack of abandon and pure joy and unconditional love, my dog leaps to attention to great me and welcome me home. "Dear God, help me to be the person that my dog thinks that I am.

1 comment:

Dodger said...

Thought Bubble over dog's head: "Did you bring me a monkey, Steve?"