Friday, May 22, 2009

Do Corporations Have Soul?

The better question might be do corporations NEED soul? If we equate soul to "moral compass," then ""yes" indeed corporations need souls and indeed many do not have souls. Given the economic conditions that we face as a nation, would having a soul have prevented the financial disasters we witness? Would "greed" have been overcome?

I think woven into this notion of having soul or a moral compass is the concept of self awareness and self-respect. When one's values are centered on integrity, respect and fairness one is authentically centered on these values, how is it possible to lie, to be dishonest, to treat different groups of people differently, to treat people badly? How is it possible?

Yet, I have seen it in organizations where executives are dismissive to front line workers: "Oh, they do not know what they are talking about." I have seen executives sign off on new policies only to exclude themselves from having to adhere to them: "Oh that policy does not apply to me."

I am in search of organizations whose executives do not behave this way. I am in search of examples where there is "corporate soul" and "authentic leadership." Do you know where I can find such examples? In government? In not-for-profits? In healthcare? In law firms?

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